Current Microsoft Windows operation systems are mostly 64-bit editions. For Microsoft Office the 32-bit edition is still the default architecture.

Office versions (e.g. 2016 professionell plus) can be downloaded as ISO from MSDN. Often the ISO contains 32-bit and 64-bit setups on one single ISO image, not like the operation system where you can download a ISO for the x86 and an ISO for x64.

The setup of office will “decide” by itself which office version will be installed on the system.

Of course you, as a user, can enforce which version should be installed:

  1. Mount the ISO as usual
  2. Ignore the autorun “setup” suggestion (when it appears)
  3. Open you DVD drive and navigate inside the folder office
  4. There are two files setup32.exe for x86 and setup64.exe for x64
  5. Select the setup.exe of your whished target architecture of office