Neither in Jekyll nor in Liquid there is a option to get a random value out of an array. But there is modulo filter which can be used to archive the goal.

I found a solution on StackOverflow - 31490789, and adjusted my need a bit so I was able to get three different random posts.

layout: post
title: "Jekyll Show Random Posts"
date: 2021-01-22 12:41:37 +0200

{% assign random1 = site.time | date: "%s%N" | modulo: site.posts.size %}
{% assign post_random1 = site.posts[random1] %}
{% assign random2 = site.time | date: "%s%N" | plus: 20 | modulo: site.posts.size %}
{% assign post_random2 = site.posts[random2] %}
{% assign random3 = site.time | date: "%s%N" | plus: 80 | modulo: site.posts.size %}
{% assign post_random3 = site.posts[random3] %}

  <li><a href="{{ post_random1.url }}">{{ post_random1.title }}</a></li>
  <li><a href="{{ post_random2.url }}">{{ post_random2.title }}</a></li>
  <li><a href="{{ post_random3.url }}">{{ post_random3.title }}</a></li>

The code above can be used in markdown and html files inside the pages, _posts and _drafts folder.

The idea behind is to get a bit of randomness by using the current time and then use modulo to keep inside the limits of your post array. To get instead a single random post I have add one time 20 and one time 80, any number would be fine as well.

This is the example output of three different blog posts, by using the liquid code